28 January 2015

Updating a GitHub forked repository

Mostly a reminder to self but thought I'd post the link in case anyone else is looking for this.  More pointers the merrier.

Simple, straight forward steps to synchronise a forked repository with its upstream repository and keep it up to date.


Syncing a fork

Sync a fork of a repository to keep it up-to-date with the upstream repository.
Following these simple steps enables a forked repository to be easily and regularly updated with changes from the upstream repository. 

Up-to-date fork of the weblogic-docker repository
Take care to read the final tip in the guide that notes that the steps only update a local copy - the fetch and merge changes still need to be pushed back to the GitHub remote repository.
Tip: Syncing your fork only updates your local copy of the repository. To update your fork on GitHub, you must push your changes.

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